After selecting New Game from the Game menu, a number of “buttons” will appear on your screen. In your first turn, the computer will play a button by lighting it up, and you will have to play back that button by clicking on it with the mouse button. On each turn after the first, the computer will play the buttons from the previous turn and add a new button. The computer may play the same button twice or more in a row. When the computer has played the proper number of buttons, you will have to repeat the sequence in the proper order. The game ends when you choose an incorrect button or when you run out of time.
About: The about box displays important information about shareware registration.
Help: Help (where you are now) explains the rules of the game, and, under Score Equivalents, gives a chart which rates your intelligence.
New Game: Select this at any time to begin a new game. If another game is in progress, that game will be ended and a new game begun.
End Game: Select this command to end a game in progress.
Open Game Window: If you would like the game board to appear on the screen, but you do not want to play a new game yet, select this command. This is useful if you simply wish to use the game board as a piano.
Close Game Window: Select this at any time if you want the game board to temporarily disappear. If you are currently playing a game, the game will automatically pause and will resume when you go to Open Game Window.
Quit: Select this to quit MacSimon.
Pause Game: If you need to leave your computer for some reason during a game, select this command and the game will pause.
Resume Game: This command will resume the game after it has been paused by either the Pause Game command or the Close Game Window command during play.
Options: With the Options command, you may change the number of rows and columns of buttons on the screen. You may not have more than six rows or more than six columns. In addition, you cannot have only one row and one column.
You may also turn the game’s sound on and off with the Options command. Regardless of the setting you place here, the game will make no sound if the computer’s overall volume has been set to 0 with the Control Panel desk accessary.
Finally, you may use the Options command to set the maximum amount of delay time that you may have between pointing on buttons. If you exceed that maximum time interval for any button, the computer will consider you wrong, and the game will end.
Show High Scores: Selecting this command at any time will post a list of the 10 highest scorers.
Clear High Scores: Use this to reset the high score list.
You score one point each time you correctly hit a button played by the computer. In addition, every time you complete a round, you will receive a bonus which depends on the difficulty level that you have set for yourself. First, you will receive the number of points equal to the sum of the rows and columns on the screen. Secondly, you receive between zero and two extra bonus points, depending on the Maximum Response Time that you set. You may change the number of rows and columns of buttons, as well as the Maximum Response Time, with the Options command (see above.) This scoring system insures that you will receive approximately the same score regardless of the difficulty level that you select.
Score Equivalents:
0-50: Inanimate object
51-100: Chimpanzee
101-150: Average American
151-200: Near top of high school class
201-250: Scored over 1350 on the SAT
251-300: Ivy League College Graduate
301-350: Ph.D. Candidate
351-399: Intellectual
400-450: Harvard Law Professor
451-500: Nuclear physicist
501-550: Genius
551-600: Nobel Prize Winner
601 or more: Cheater
Desk Accessories:
This program should be completely compatible with all desk accessories with or without Multifinder. For your convenience, when you select a desk accessory, an Edit menu will be added to your menu bar. When you resume playing the game, the Edit menu will disappear. This program is also compatible with Multifinder.
Shareware Info:
To find out how to become a registered user and receive two disks worth of software as well as this program’s source code, click the About... button below.